I am so pleased to have illustrated this wonderful poem by Coretta Scott King and MacArthur Prize winner Angela Johnson. A celebration of the power of girls that encourages them to embrace their dreams and more!
“A blithe celebration of individuality, guts, and sisterhood.” – Publisher’s Weekly
Find out more about the creation of this book:
A Girl Like Me: Creating Photocollage Illustrations
A Fuse 8 Production: Talking with Nina Crews and Angela Johnson
Text © 2004 Angela Johnson, Illustrations © 2020 Nina Crews, Millbrook Press, 2020, ISBN:9781541557772
Motiva a las personas jóvenes a abrazar su individualidad, rechazar las limitaciones de la sociedad y perseguir sus sueños. Este inspirador libro ilustrado reúne un poema de la aclamada autora Angela Johnson y las características ilustraciones de fotomontaje de Nina Crews para celebrar a las niñas de color.
Empower young readers to embrace their individuality, reject societal limitations, and follow their dreams. This inspiring picture book brings together a poem by acclaimed author Angela Johnson and Nina Crews’s distinctive photocollage illustrations to celebrate girls of color. Now in Spanish.
Text © 2004 Angela Johnson, Illustrations © 2020 Nina Crews, Millbrook Press, 2024
Paperback ISBN:9798765644027